They Won’t Buy Your Stuff

They’ll buy the results that they’ll get.
They’ll buy the feelings they can create.
They’ll buy the outcomes.
They’ll buy the chance to feel like a creative marketer.
They’ll buy the opportunity to look good to their boss and their co-workers. But they won’t buy your stuff.
So what are you selling?
Stop telling customers what you do and start telling them how they’ll feel.
Your customers don’t want to know what you do, or what you sell, or what’s on sale. They want to know how you’re going to enable them to do what they want to do. Until you know what they want to do, you have nothing to say. You have no story to share. When you know what the customer wants to do, they will be all ears with an open mind and an open checkbook.
Focus your intention of getting to know your customers personally and individually. Work hard to help them accomplish their goals and to feel successful. Success is when your customers feel good about themselves because of what you deliver.

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